Memory is responsible for the speed of reaction, intelligence and savvy. In addition, that it must be constantly trained, memory can be significantly improved with the help of some products.
Use these products more often and you will not notice how you will memorize much more useful information.
Oily fish has the most valuable omega-3 acids, which have a positive effect on digestion, skin and metabolism.
But their main trump card is improving memory and reaction speed, as well as building new neural connections in the brain.
This berry contains a full set of vitamins, which are necessary to improve memory performance, namely: C, B1, B6, PP, and calcium and magnesium.
In eggs, a lot of natural protein, which helps the brain to create new neural connections responsible for the assimilation of new information.
And choline, which is contained in eggs, helps to focus on learning new information.
Flavanol, which is contained in cocoa butter, from which natural chocolate is made, is responsible for the flow of blood to the brain and its active work.
This is so positive for memory that chocolate is even recommended for use in the prevention of Alzheimer’s.
All kinds of cabbage are useful for the brain and memory, but the queen among them is broccoli.
It contains vitamin K, which is responsible for the regeneration of brain cells and the creation of new ones, so broccoli helps not only to memorize a new one better, but also not to forget the old one.
Serotonin and lecithin in walnuts help to fight the sad memories that clog our memory with unnecessary information.
In addition, these nuts increase the ability to memorize, which is why all students are strongly encouraged to use them during the session.
Image credit: Pixabay